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Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Makes Us Beautiful?

What makes us beautiful? Is it our faces, the makeup we wear, our bodies...maybe it's the way we dress, or what we possess? Is it the way others view us? Is it our hair?... what makes us beautiful?

What makes us beautiful? Maybe it is the way we treat people or our selflessness...or perhaps the way we feel that glows throughout. Maybe it is how we think and convey our thoughts or perhaps our smiles, our humor, our laugh... Maybe someone told you, you were beautiful... Whatever it is that makes us beautiful... is in you.

If you cannot feel beautiful, think beautiful thoughts, say beautiful things,  or demonstrate beauty by the way you talk or walk...if you cannot make other people feel beautiful when they are around you... then... what makes you beautiful?

...What makes you beautiful?

Your beauty within.

Dr. Chocolate Truffle

1 comment:

  1. I truly believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But in today's society if you are not a certain size, rock the right clothes and or have the wrong hair cut - society does not consider you beautiful. Especially 4 our youth and many woman.

    My question is how do or when do you say "F" U. I am beautiful and I love me...
